Steam Boiler
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Circulating Fluidized Bed Boilers
Product Range
Steam boiler
Rated evaporation: lOt/h - 220t/h
Rated working pressure: 1.25MPa - 9.8MPa
Rated steam temperature: 450°C - 540°C
Hot water boiler
Rated thermal power:14MW - 168MW
Structural features of this series of products
- NThis type is boiler is natural circulation single drum water tube boiler with 门 type structure. The furnace adopts the structure of suspended closed water wall furnace.
- This kind of boiler adopts water-cooled air chamber and water-cooled air distributor, and uses under-bed ignition structure.
- The separation process of the boiler adopts water-cooled/high-temperature adiabatic volute cyclone drum, which is arranged outside the furnace. The separation efficiency is over 99%.
- The superheater, economizer and air preheater of the boiler are arranged in the tail shaft.
- The boiler has wide adaptability to various kinds of coal. All kinds of inferior coal and gangue can burn well in it.
- 密封性能好炉膛燃烧室采用膜式水冷壁结构。
- 出力足受面布置充分合理,锅炉升温升压快。负荷调节范围大,能在30—110%负荷下稳定运行。
- 防磨性能好炉膛采用特殊防磨材料和施工。
- 环保脱硫效率高,燃烧充分
- 分离效率高分离效率為99%。
- 煤种适应性广各种劣质煤、煤矸石均能很好燃烧
- 安全自动化程度高锅炉运行采用远程和近地监控,自动控制和监测仪表齐全,安全可靠,操作简便。结合工业自动化控制技术、互联网技术、计算机软件和人工智能技术建立工业锅炉物联网平台,可实现远程人机交互和数据共享。